
Great Moments in Early American Motoring: Illustrations by Kenneth Riley

1899 Stanley Steamer: Mr. Stanley Turns on the Stream - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1899 Stanley Steamer: Mr. Stanley Turns on the Stream - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1902 Haynes-Apperson: The First Service Stations - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1902 Haynes-Apperson: The First Service Stations - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1906 Cadillac Touring Car: Meet the Candidates - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1906 Cadillac Touring Car: Meet the Candidates - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1906 Pierce Great Arrow, 1906 Pope-Hartford and 1906 Reo: Glidden Tour Tests Men & Machines - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1906 Pierce Great Arrow, 1906 Pope-Hartford and 1906 Reo: Glidden Tour Tests Men & Machines - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1909 Hudson Roadster: Strawberry Festival - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1909 Hudson Roadster: Strawberry Festival - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1909 Stanley Steamer Runabout: Back For the Big Game - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1909 Stanley Steamer Runabout: Back For the Big Game - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1912 Moon Raceabout: Morning Coffee - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1912 Moon Raceabout: Morning Coffee - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1912 Oldsmobile 'Autocrat' Roadster: New England Clambake - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1912 Oldsmobile 'Autocrat' Roadster: New England Clambake - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1915 Dodge Touring Car: Down at the Pier - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1915 Dodge Touring Car: Down at the Pier - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1916 Chevrolet: Lincoln Highway—First from Coast to Coast - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
1916 Chevrolet: Lincoln Highway—First from Coast to Coast - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
The Stutz Bearcat: Goes to College - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
The Stutz Bearcat: Goes to College - Calendar illustration by Kenneth Riley
Images: 'Humble Oil & Refining Company' Esso/Exxon Calendars
Rating:  9    -1    +10
Работы Кена Райли (Kenneth Riley) для серии календарей "Величайшие моменты ранней американской автомобильной истории" (Great Moments in Early American Motoring), которые выпускались по заказу Esso (будущей Exxon).

Do you remember those beautifully illustrated car calendars from the 1960's and 70's? Exxon produced and distributed them at their service stations, along with road maps (remember them?). Well, if you ever saw or owned one of these calendars, you probably had no idea that it would become a collector's item.
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