2017 Yamaha Cross Hub

Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Interior
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Interior
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch
Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch - Interior
Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch - Interior
Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch - Interior
Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch - Interior
Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch - Interior
Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Sketch - Interior
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Process
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Process
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Process
Yamaha Cross Hub Concept, 2017 - Design Process
Иллюстрации: Yamaha
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Yamaha Cross Hub Concept Wants To Build An Adventure Around You
На Токийском автосалоне состоялся публичный дебют концептуального пикапа Yamaha Cross Hub. Новинка получила необычную ромбовидную кабину и «парящий» кузов.

Длина концепт-кара составляет 4490 миллиметров, ширина — 1960, высота — 1750 миллиметров. Как считают разработчики, такие габариты сделают удобной эксплуатацию машины и в городе, и на бездорожье. По своим размерам концепт-пикап не превышает габариты Honda CR-V или Toyota RAV4.

Данные о силовой установке и трансмиссии не уточняются.

Благодаря ромбовидной кабине в салоне пикапа помещается четыре человека: водитель сидит в центре, один из пассажиров – за ним, а еще два посадочных места есть по бокам. На грузовой платформе умещаются пара кроссовых мотоциклов или квадроцикл. В отделке кузова и кабины используются деревянные панели, вдохновенные палубами катеров и яхт.

Introducing the CROSS HUB CONCEPT, a new “lifestyle car” to load up the fun and link the outdoors to the city.

What would make a car uniquely Yamaha? Yamaha designs and builds all kinds of mobility products for a variety of fields of recreation, from motorcycles and bicycles to marine products and more. The “CROSS HUB CONCEPT” model was born of the desire to interconnect those many forms of fun. By bringing together and fusing some of the possibilities presented by our diverse mobility portfolio, a new take on the unique style of Yamaha was born.

The point we focused on was making everything “just the right size.” This meant finding a body size suitable for use either on- or off-road while being maneuverable in the city, and still having sufficient utility to transport other Yamaha recreational products.

In order to create a cabin seating four adults as well as a rear cargo bed that could carry up to two motorcycles, we adopted a unique process for the design and development that focused on extensive experimentation and testing of the overall package before moving to the vehicle’s styling. That was what led to the innovative diamond-shaped cabin layout. It positions the driver’s seat forward in the middle with the passenger seats surrounding it from behind, thus enabling a compact vehicle size still providing the desired cabin space and rear cargo bed capacity.

Yamaha’s “Elementalism” design approach was taken to a new level of evolution with the bold layout of the cabin, tough-looking body surfaces and the robust frame permeating the vehicle. The materials used for finer design details were also given a uniquely Yamaha character, like the wood paneling inspired by the look and feel of our boat decks.

Yamaha’s aim with the CROSS HUB CONCEPT was for it to be a “hub” connecting the multifaceted lifestyles as well as the different values people hold, linking open fields with busy urban streets, and the “active and energetic” with “premium and relaxed.”
По материалам: motor.ru; Yamaha Press Release
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