LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept

LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
LA Design Challenge (2011): Subaru Horizon Concept
Иллюстрации: LA Auto Show
Рейтинг:  5    -4    +9
Subaru’s entry for the 2011 LA Design Challenge is the Horizon Concept, a futuristic vehicle designed to take its crew onto a mission to collect a rare mineral.
Ежегодно в рамках автосалона в Лос-Анджелесе проводится конкурс дизайна «Design Challenge», на котором автопроизводители предлагают абсолютно футуристичные проекты транспортных средств. В этом году темой восьмого по счету конкурса стали «голливудские фильмы».

Subaru Horizon и конец света

В компании Subaru решили, что через 200 лет вращение Земли остановится и человечество вынуждено было поселиться на темной стороне планеты, чтобы скрыться от палящих радиоактивных лучей солнца. Однако энергию для обеспечения жизнедеятельности мегаполиса приходится брать на солнечной стороне, ее вырабатывает специальная электростанция. Что-то пошло не так, и станция вышла из строя, для починки была снаряжена команда из четырех героев, которым выдали суперкар Subaru Horizon — эдакий «бэтмобиль» с кучей возможностей, способный защитить от электромагнитных волн, химических веществ и так далее.

MAYBACH DRS - "Den-Riki-Sha" (electric powered rickshaw)

Gracing the Roads of Tomorrow
A radically new car culture will arise in the near future, which is aligned with modern architecture, infrastructure and nature. An astonishing variety of future automotive designs will grow, commensurate, with newly available energy sources, drive systems and alternative production methods. Light, transparent designs with sculptured elegance and an extensive range of comfort and safety options are finding their way into a new eco-conscious world.

The MAYBACH DRS "Den-Riki-Sha" (electric powered rickshaw) embodies these attributes and leverages the traditional values of the classic "Jin-Riki-Sha" (human powered rickshaw), which originated in Tokyo circa 1870.

Breathtaking beauty, ingenious luxury and technical brilliance characterize the sophisticated development of the "DRS." This MAYBACH is the first worldwide NMV (Naturally Manufactured Vehicle). Its production process is unique: Per a highly perfected and complex metamorphosis, a readily developed car is born out of a coded DNA-cocoon. Organic intelligence, aligned with advanced bio-mechanical engineering skills, created this special process being designed for a limited number of exclusive vehicles. A futuristic composition of ultra-light construction with a unique luxurious Exterior & Interior expression.

Powered by a self balancing electric drive unit and controlled by an onboard computer that is plugged into a mega city's transport infrastructure, the MAYBACH DRS delivers a smooth, luxurious journey cross town. To extend its range, this human-electric hybrid allows pedaling power to be supplemented by the driver. Meanwhile, the passengers enjoy the journey in their glamorous surroundings.

MAYBACH traditionally pointed the way to a modern era of luxurious mobility – the "Den-Riki-Sha" continues this heritage, gracing the roads of tomorrow.
Design Team
Holger Hutzenlaub
Hiroshi Yajimar
Hideki Takahashi
Yong Won Lee
Toru Nakano
Teck-Koun Kim
Masahide Yamada
Daniel Schlapp

After 200 years since the rotation of the Earth has stopped, the Earth was split into two, distinctly different hemispheres, the Daysphere and the Nightsphere. Humans have been living in a highly developed civilization in the Nightsphere, away from the sun's harmful electromagnetic waves. There is no sunlight, but they had electricity sourced from an innovative energy plant that powered the megacity. It seemed the technology driven human civilization was flourishing as always, but there was a threat slowly casting a shadow down upon them. The fuel of the power generation system, a rare crystallized mineral, was running out of energy.

The mineral is known to be found only in the pole of the Daysphere, a place from which no human has ever come back alive.

A team of 4, Alcyone- the driver, Maia- the navigator, Merope- the mechanic, and Pleiades- their magical cat, has been formed to venture to the other end of the world, tasked to bring back the crucial mineral. The Ultra Subaru HORIZON has been specially developed to take them on their journey. It is to withstand the strong electromagnetic field, chemical imbalances, scorching heat, and raging storms of the Daysphere. The skilled team is off to save their world in this action packed adventure!
По материалам: Сергей Белоусов -; LA Design Challenge
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