Caterham Project V (2023)

Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023)
Caterham Project V (2023) – Interior
Caterham Project V (2023) – Interior
Caterham Project V (2023) – Interior
Caterham Project V (2023) – Interior
Caterham Project V (2023) – Interior
Caterham Project V (2023) – Interior
Caterham Project V (2023) – Interior
Caterham Project V (2023) – Interior
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Caterham Project V Previews Electric Sports Coupe That May Arrive In 2025
Компания Caterham показала необычное трехместное купе Project V. Полноценный публичный дебют новой модели состоится на Фестивале скорости в Гудвуде, который пройдет 14-16 июля. А пока Caterham рассекретил новинку на официальных фотографиях, обнародовал технические характеристики и динамические показатели. Project V, в движение который приводит 268-сильный электромотор на задней оси, разгоняется с места до «сотни» за 4,5 секунды, развивает максимальную скорость в 230 километров в час и проезжает на одном заряде батареи 400 километров.

Project V пока находится в статусе прототипа, серийная же версия может появиться на рынке через два-три года. За дизайн концепта отвечало ателье Italdesign, а работу над проектом возглавлял шеф-стилист Caterham Антони Жанарели. Внешне новинка не похожа на современные автомобили марки — у купе несвойственный бренду обтекаемый кузов, а салон рассчитан на трех человек (два кресла установлены спереди и одно сзади). Однако у серийного варианта, скорее всего, будет полноценный задний диван.

В салоне на передней панели установлен современный тачскрин, при этом большинство переключателей и кнопок — физические, а не сенсорные. Панель приборов цифровая, но обрамлена классическими «колодцами». Заявлены система выбора режимов движения с тремя пресетами и регулируемая подвеска.

В движение купе приводит электрическая силовая установка: электромотор мощностью 268 лошадиных сил установлен на задней оси. Его питает батарея емкостью 55 киловатт-часов, которая обеспечивает запас хода в 400 километров. Предусмотрена возможность быстрой зарядки — в этом случае пополнить запас энергии с 20 до 80 процентов можно за 15 минут.

Серийный Project V планируется выпустить в 2025 либо 2026 году — с большой долей вероятности, для «товарной» модели выберут иное название. Она будет продаваться параллельно с родстерами Seven.

Dartford, Wednesday 12th July 2023 – Caterham has revealed Project V, a lightweight fully-electric coupé concept vehicle that has the potential to arrive in late 2025 or early 2026.

Designed as an electric vehicle from the start, Project V is the creation of new Chief Designer, Anthony Jannarelly. His vision has been brought to life by world-renowned Italian engineering firm, Italdesign.

Project V uses a battery electric powertrain, powered by a 200kW (272PS) single motor mounted in the rear axle. This is paired with a 55kWh USOC lithium-ion battery pack with advanced thermal management, and the ability to recharge from 20-80% in as little as 15 minutes using a 150kW DC rapid charger.

With acceleration of 0-62mph (100kph) in less than 4.5 seconds, Project V will reach an estimated top speed of 143mph (230kph) and deliver a target WLTP range of 249 miles (400km).

The minimalist design philosophy means Project V, just like the Seven, is lightweight and simple. Caterham has targeted a kerb weight of 1,190kg (2+1 configuration) which will be achieved by using an innovative carbon fibre and aluminium composite chassis.

Bob Laishley, CEO of Caterham Cars Ltd and COO of the newly established Caterham EVo, said: “Project V is not just a concept or design study, we’ve conducted engineering and production feasibility throughout the development process. An electric Caterham of any shape and size has to stay true to what sets us apart from everyone else: being lightweight, simple and offering an unparalleled driving experience; that’s our DNA.”

He added: “Project V fulfils our ambition to sustainably grow the company and explore electrification simultaneously. Subject to the next phases of development and technical capability, Project V could be brought to market towards the end of 2025 or early 2026 with a target price starting from less than £80,000.”

Anthony Jannarelly, Chief Designer for Project V, added: “A Caterham Seven’s design is simple and minimalist, it’s designed for its intended function, to be lightweight and fun to drive. With Project V, we’re applying this philosophy to the sports coupé architecture to create a seducing and timeless silhouette. Every single feature has to justify itself from a weight perspective to maintain lightness and optimise driver engagement.”

The Project V show car uses a 2+1 seating layout – 2+2 as optional – which optimises ingress and egress, provides more comfort for the rear seat passenger and offers greater flexibility in how a prospective owner may use the car. At the centre of the interior is a simple, driver-focussed infotainment system featuring smartphone mirroring, and a digital instrument cluster is used to display key information. Drivers can choose between Normal, Sport and Sprint driving modes that intelligently adjust the acceleration and steering for different environments.

The concept features double wishbone front and rear suspension with fully adjustable geometry, electrically assisted power steering, Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tyres (19” front and 20” rear), and brake discs all-round with high-performance calipers.

Andrea Porta, Business Development Manager at Italdesign, said: “We’re delighted to have partnered with Caterham and Anthony Jannarelly to bring Project V to life. At every step, we have applied our experience in producing commercially viable concept and prototype vehicles, to ensure that any future production version can be brought to market at pace.”

Laishley continued: “Project V isn’t instead of Seven, it’s complimentary to it, and we believe that by retaining the core Caterham values, it will appeal to both our existing customer base and attract new fans to the brand. By using a more practical coupé body style and by exploiting the packaging benefits of an EV, this is a car that works as well for trips to the shops, or the school run, as it does for Sunday morning sprints.”

Kazuho Takahashi, President and CEO of VT Holdings, said: “We are honoured to be able to unveil two new vehicles from Caterham at Goodwood Festival of Speed. The new models are a result of an uncompromising fusion of two seemingly contradictory requirements: retaining the Caterham values that must never change, while evolving to meet the changing demands of customers, such as the shift towards electric. We express our deepest gratitude to all those involved in this project and to everyone who has supported Caterham over the past 50 years.”

The Project V show car will make its public debut tomorrow (Thursday) on the Caterham stand at Goodwood Festival of Speed.

To support the aspirations of this venture, Caterham EVo has been established to handle all relevant business and investment interests related to Project V.
По материалам:; Caterham Press Release
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